Slow and Sustain Magazine is a community-run zine initially started by a group of women during quarantine, that is now branching out to create an inclusive small business platform, to encourage the ventures and supplemental income initiatives of women. The third issue of Slow and Sustain looks back on how the women-owned businesses were impacted by COVID, and the growth and changes these businesses have seen. We see how communities are impacted by closures and changes, and reflect on how much we all miss the experience of physical spaces and interaction.

I joined the team as a designer for four of the articles within this edition of S&S, however the position evolved into creating custom illustrations of each of our participants, designing and illustrating the cover, and creating flyers for fundraising. I got to collaborate with an amazing group of writers, editors, photographers, and designers throughout the four months duration of this project, and I’m forever grateful for the experience of working with a full team of amazing, talented, and giving women, all to help uplift and share the stories of more amazing women.